Services Offered
High-end Electronics
  • Creating customized hand held devices, web browsers, and text editors to suit any application and field. We can provide expert guidance in whatever you are looking for.
Embedded Solutions
  • Whether simple or complex, we customize your products to your requirements by designing all the hardware  and firmware required.
  • We do not depend on any device-specific technology and we believe in providing the best solutions that  technology can offer.
  • Our vast experience with various micro-controller architectures has helped us provide the best embedded  solutions to our customers.
Machine Design and Control
  • We redesign and revamp your existing machinery based on what you require and market requirements or we design a new machine from scratch with the technical inputs you provide.
  • We incorporate the principles of robotics, precision control and diagnostics to design the next generation machines.
  • If need be, we suggest unconventional (and challenging) ideas and radical advancements and changes.
  • Are you looking for ways to radically change your machine, beat your competition, or move a step ahead into robotics? We will assist you achieve your goals.
Industrial Automation
  • We provide complete and customized process monitoring, control, operational data management, and diagnostics. This will help you achieve complete automation and control of your industry/plant.
Problem Analysis and Solving
  • You want to make your system perform better but cannot figure out how.
  • We analyze the problem mathematically or logically.
  • Define goals based on the analysis with an eye on future needs.
  • And finally, solve the problem with an engineering approach.
Concept Development
  • You want to be the path breaker; you have a concept, but you don’t know where to start.
  • We will study your concept, analyze it thoroughly, check its feasibility, and do what’s necessary to develop it for you.